Houses of Light


Houses of light, storm battered, we stand.
Brick by brick we’re built.
Through days both calm and wild.
Dwelling at the edges of each other’s lives.
Daring to offer ourselves as a guide.
Sending light into the darkness that we all know so well.

At our most helpful when seas are high.
Under the sting of salt lashes
And pounding waves.
In the soul’s dark night, as we wait for dawn.
Where fear drifts away in the calm and the light.

We take our places on these lonely shores.
Where rocks are hard and the dangers are real.
Holding past pain, mistakes and wrong turns.
In cracks and corrosion like scars on our skin.

All we have is our light and the places we’ve been.
The journeys we took and the troubles we faced.
We can only forewarn of the dangers ahead.
With cautionary tales of wreckage and loss.

We watch others sail out into in their lives.
With dreams of horizons their own and not ours.
We can’t plot their course or decide where they’ll go.
Only point to safe passage through life’s wind, rain and hail.

And when seas are calm and there are no boats in sight.
We can stand and reflect on our own storms and trials.
The wisdom we gained as we rode those vast waves.
How it shaped who we are and the ways we can help.

So let your light shine, to guide others home.
The storms hit us all.
Whatever our craft.
We don’t rule the waves.
We can’t see in the dark.
And through high tides or low, we all share the same sea.

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